Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kat McGee and the School of Christmas Spirit by Rebecca Munsterer and Georgiana Manderoli

Munsterer, Rebecca. Kat McGee and the School of Christmas Spirit. Illustrated by Georgianna Manderoli. 2nd ed. New York: In This Together Media, 2012, 2013.

Formats: Paperback, eBook
ISBN-10:0985895632; ISBN-13:978-0-9858956-3-1; ISBN-10:0985895624; ISBN-13:978-0-98589952-2-4

Ever since she had an accident on thas stuck like glue. Even worse, she lives in a household where she is the middle and only average child. So in fifth grade, Kat decides to reinvent herself. She sets her sights on the Totsville Christe roller coaster in four years ago Kat McGee’s nickname “Kat McPee” hmas Pageant. However, Kat was not chosen for ANY role in the biggest celebration in Totsville. Then it seems Mr. Mudge is bribing Principal Pratt to have his daughter play the part of Mary, the pageant’s most coveted role. 

Gram is the only one that believes she is special. Moreover, it turns out she went to school with Mrs. Claus – THE MRS. CLAUS. Then there is the magic snow globe by her bed, that takes her directly to the North Pole. Mrs. Claus runs The School of Christmas Spirit” where real Elves are teachers, mentors, and chaperones and the chosen children will learn worthiness, wonder, will, and whimsy. However, somehow, all is not as it should be. Is Kat unique enough to coach the reindeer and save Santa and Christmas?

A great Christmas story with an underlying message of the specialness of every child. Includes Christmas activities for families to build the values and virtues Kat learns during her time at the North Pole and a recipe for tasty Candyfruit Confection (an every morning delight at The School of Christmas Spirit). It is too bad, Mr. Mudge and Principal Pratt either didn’t get selected for Mrs. Claus’ school, or they forgot what they learned. Well written and will appeal to late elementary school girls especially.

Ages 8-10

Rating 4.5 stars

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Baldacci, David. The Finisher.

A Place Where Wrong as Wrong Can Be

Baldacci, David. The Finisher. New York: Scholastic Press, 2014.

ISBN: 978-0-545-65220-9

Five Stars

Tags: Young Adult, Middle School, Grades 6-9, Fantasy

Vega Jane has never left the village of Wormwood. But that isn’t unusual – no Wug has ever left Wormwood. At least not until Quentin Herms vanishes into the unknown. Vega knows he was chased into the Quag that surrounds the village. Quentin leaves Vega Jane a very dangerous set of clues only she can decode.
       As dangerous as the dark Quag with its tangled undergrowth and deadly beasts are the the Council and influential people within Wormwood who are willing to kill to hold their secrets and their power. Vega is the only Wug determined to discover the truth, but the closer she gets the more she risks her life and the lifes of those she has loved since her birth light.

       David Baldacci, author of twenty-seven books for adult readers has created an imaginative world for young adult readers where things are as wrong as wrong can be. A world filled with beasts, secrets and hidden magic. And, an unforgettable heroine and supporting characters that made me begin again as soon as I had finished. (Oh, and the second book in the series The Keeper has just been published.)