Round, Carol. Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God. Bloomington, IN:
WestBow Press: 2012. ISBN: 978-1104497-3661-3 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4497-3662-0 (e)
A Compilation of
Experience and Encouragement
Protestant theologians, both
“mainline” and “evangelical,” are currently exploring many of the ancient
spiritual disciplines that never entirely disappeared in the Catholic and
Orthodox traditions. Three among these Christian disciplines are praying,
reading and journaling. These Christian spiritual
practices are found as far back as the New Testament where the gospel writers,
at the encouragement of others, have given us the words and prayers of Jesus now in
written form.
Carol Round discovered prayer
journaling, as she focused on the pain and confusion of an empty nest and a recent
divorce. As the mornings passed, she found healing, growth, and potential in
seeking deeper intimacy with God. She draws not only on her own experience, but
also on the experiences of other women and saints of the past and present.
Lessons learned over ten years of
daily practice are shared in this book. There are also reminders such as “It is
not about the tools [the pen or book used]. It is about the journey.” “Don’t
worry about His showing up. He will.” Suggestions
are included like use a concordance to find scriptures relevant to your
situation, prayerfully read the scripture and ask God how He can apply it in
your life.
with Jesus invites the reader to come as they are and to raise the two
questions Paul asked on the road to Damascus in Acts 9: “Who are You, Lord?”
“What should I do, Lord?” There is a list of books on prayer journaling and a
list of websites, with a proviso that websites and the internet are fluid; however,
only one of sixteen URLs led nowhere. The scope of the book will be useful to
the new or prospective prayer, spiritual, or Bible-study journalist, and
affirming to those who are already practicing the disciplines.
Rather than offering pages of
printed scripture and written prayers, this book concentrates on spiritual
disciplines themselves. What is prayer? Why will journaling about scripture
help to ease my pain? What do I need to get started? How do I talk to God? How
do I know if he is listening? How do I prepare to meet God? The author’s style
and manner invite and let the reader look over the writer’s shoulder with
impunity and promise, with commitment and covenant, with action and
There is a companion workbook for Journaling with Jesus coming out in a few weeks called The 40-Day Challenge. It is free as a .pdf file until September 6 at her blog: Round also has two books compiled from her faith-based columns syndicated in twelve Oklahoma newspapers and one online publication, She also has two other books:
A Matter of Faith (2005) and Faith
Matters (2009), both published by Buoy Up Press.
Martin, Christine Brooks. Pray What God Says Kearney NE: Morris Publishing, ©2010. available through
Effective Scriptural Prayer
The intent of the
guide is to reintroduce just one of many keys to effective prayer, using
scripture to garner the words of God to access divine response and a greater
relationship with God the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, with the
enabling assistance of the Holy Spirit.
Martin follows with the lies of Satan we hear most often, and allows the scripture to speak
the truth. “God has made a provision for His creation. It is the words of His
holy scriptures. When we choose to read, hear, learn and speak the Word of God
it is able to save us, deliver us, and protect us from lies and liars.” She
then explores the meanings of “truth” as it is found in the Word of God.
Whether we choose to embrace lies or truth, “what we take to heart rules and
governs our emotions and affections.”
Communion and
union with God through praying His word allows us to get God’s attention and
“invites Him to intervene in the affairs of the earth and your life.” “Prayer
facilitates the manifestation of God’s will and purpose.” Prayer establishes
HOPE: Hearing God through His word,
prayer and your experiences. Obedience
to His word and the pastor He has designated to shepherd over you. God expects
you to pray without ceasing and to expect His response. You will receive
HOPE: God’s hearing ear, open access to His presence, peace while you wait for His response to your prayers,
and eternal results. She also
provides such mnemonics for TRUST.
Praying God’s word allows Him to transform, prepare, build and establish
your spirit in His presence.
Praying God’s word can take
the form of intercession or meditation. The last chapters of the book provide
topical scriptures for preparing oneself to be transformed and consecrated so
you can achieve spiritual growth and strength to trust and forgive, and exhibit
wisdom and the fruits of the Spirit in your life. There are also scriptures for
those things that most affect our personal spiritual lives: family, finances,
career, health, and emotions. She also provides scriptures for our relationship
through God that affects church growth, nations, leaders and missions. What she
calls a glossary contains no definitions, but provides an alphabetical topical
index with page numbers